Episode 5: Brecht Banter, a kitchen table conversation on Brecht, Weimar and New Orleans 

What do you get when you mix a bottle of Laphroaig Whiskey with three charming Weimar raconteurs? A freewheeling conversation that touches, among other topics, on the disturbing and the hopeful similarities of the Weimar period with our own days, the enduring importance of the poetry and plays of Bertolt Brecht, why New Orleans might be one of our last bastions of Weimar Culture, and on bringing to light some of the lesser known artists of 1920’s Germany. Over my kitchen table in New Orleans, I was joined by Sarah Brecht, David Symons and Harry Mayronne to discuss their fascination for the Weimar period.  


Sarah Brecht is the grand-daughter of the playwright Bertolt Brecht and an extraordinary artist in her own right, creating gorgeous and vibrant paintings. Harry Mayronne has been musical director for countless Weimar productions, and as a creator of amazing Marionettes, he has brought his puppets to the innumerable stages, including the stage of the Berliner Ensemble. David Symons is the creator of the annual Brechtfest Festival in New York, and has been exploring the music of the Weimar period for his whole life. And Laphroaig, well, that’s a smoky and peaty alcoholic delight that serves to lubricate good conversations everywhere. 


There's no transcript for this conversation, but here are images and links to the various artists that Harry and David and Sarah brought up. 


Sarah Brecht https://sarahbrechtpaintings.com/

Sarah Brecht

and a few of her paintings:




Harry Mayronne https://harrymayronne.com/



Harry's puppets of Elizabeth Hauptmann and Bertolt Brecht


David C Symons https://davidcsymons.com/



Helene Weigel and Bertolt Brecht


Waiting for Godot in New Orleans 2007, in the ruins of Hurricane Katrina




Gisela May, famed interpreter of Brecht's songs


Hanns Eisler, composer and Brecht collaborator

and with Bertolt Brecht


The translator of Brecht's work, John Wilett





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